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Roundabouts force drivers to slow down

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2018 | car accidents |

Roundabouts can make rural roads and many intersections safer. This is because they prevent serious crashes that could result in injuries or death to drivers and pedestrians. When a Minnesota driver enters a roundabout, the only thing that he or she needs to be concerned about is whether there is another driver already inside of it. With an intersection, a driver may be tempted to time his or her entry, and that timing may not always be correct.

While there are fewer collisions at intersections with traffic lights, those that do occur tend to be more severe. Roundabouts generally do not reduce the number of accidents that occur. However, the accidents that do happen are less significant because vehicles are operating at lower speeds. Vehicles generally have to slow down when approaching a roundabout as well as go slower while inside of it.

In the 1990s, Sweden implemented something called Vision Zero. It aims to totally eliminate all traffic fatalities. State governments in the United States have also implemented their own ways of reducing traffic deaths and making roads safer for everyone. The use of roundabouts is considered to be a key component of that strategy as they are inexpensive to install and save money by reducing accident costs.

Someone involved in a motor vehicle accident could experience broken bones, lacerations or head injuries. If an individual is hurt because of another party’s negligence, he or she may be entitled to compensation that could help pay medical bills or recoup lost wages and future earnings. Negligent acts may include driving too fast for road conditions or being impaired while operating a vehicle. In some cases, more than one party may be negligent in causing a crash to occur.


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